by Jessica Franklin of HeyGorJess

As school is starting back up and the weather has been getting a little cooler, I am becoming more aware of more than just the physical change of the season, but the spiritual and emotional changes as well. This past summer has been one of the toughest “seasons” I’ve ever experienced. It stretched me in so many ways– so much that at times I just wanted to quit everything. I wanted to give up on my paid L’Oreal internship, drop out of my summer class, and just lay in bed all day because of some of the confusion in my life. I literally did not know how I was going to make it– but I never stopped believing that I would. I knew deep in my heart that no matter how overwhelmed I felt, that God was going to bring me through victoriously. Even through the pain and stress–I still felt him with me, guiding me through day by day. I knew that God was using my circumstances to make me stronger and better. To develop perseverance and character in order to make me a better and more mature “me” (Romans 5:3-5).
Now that the summer is over and we are moving into fall– I am happy to say that I made it. I passed my class (barely–but I passed lol), I rockeddd my final presentation to the L’Oreal executive team that I literally slaveddd over all summer, and God has brought me so much peace in all areas of my life. It truly is a season of transition for me now. I have made it through the fire of the summer, and I am ready for this new season God has in store for me this fall.
I feel like the seasons give us a chance for a fresh start, and for change–even though so many of us don’t like it. We fear it, dread it, and avoid it because we don’t know what it will bring. But remember–change is good, and beautiful even. Look at the colors of the leaves as they start to turn red and orange, and the arrival of your favorite pumpkin latte at Starbucks (for you coffee lovers like myself lol). Change brings so much excitement and a new joy.
So as this season ends, be grateful for your past one and take in everything you’ve learned, but be open for the awesome new changes this season will bring. Don’t dwell on the past, but welcome the future with an open heart. I am sure that if you let Him, God will do so much through it.
Until next time,

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